12 Nov 3 Tips For Keeping Your Workout Routine Moving Forward in a Pandemic
With these strange times of COVID-19 and a worldwide pandemic, many are finding it increasingly difficult to stay on track with their fitness goals. Things are becoming even more difficult for those who live in parts of the country where the winters are harsh, as colder weather makes it more difficult to get outside and get some exercise. By keeping these simple tips in mind, however, you can increase your chances of staying on track with becoming and staying a healthier version of yourself.
Tip #1: Start Small
One mistake that many people make when trying to get healthy is going too big too fast. Instead, try starting out small by setting small goals for yourself that you can reach more quickly. This will help give you the confidence boosters that you need to continue with moving forward. Set a goal to workout 3 days in the week and then feel proud of yourself when you managed four days rather than setting a goal to work out every day and then feeling discouraged when you only manage those same four days. Tracking your progress will also help to keep you motivated when you compare how you are performing now to how you were performing when you first started.
Tip #2: Choose One Major Goal
Rather than trying to be all things at once, set one major goal for yourself to work toward achieving. Rather than training to run a 5K while also training to swim 50 laps, choose one goal and focus on achieving that one before moving on to another. Remember, you only have so much time to devote to your exercise routine, so make sure that time counts.
Tip #3: Hold Yourself Accountable
Holding yourself accountable to your workout routine can be difficult, especially if you are the only one who knows about it. If no one else knows, it is easy for you to lie to yourself or to otherwise convince yourself that it is okay to slack off. Instead, tell a friend about your plans so they can help hold you accountable, too.
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