Prolean Wellness: A Trusted Source of Supplements with a High Degree of Bioavailability

Prolean Wellness: A Trusted Source of Supplements with a High Degree of Bioavailability

Prolean Wellness: A Trusted Source of Supplements with a High Degree of Bioavailability

Trusted Source of Supplements

At Prolean Wellness, we believe that bioavailability is an essential part of creating high-quality supplements. After all, a substance will only take effect if it can be absorbed by the body. Ensuring this happens requires creating supplements with a high level of bioavailability.

What is Bioavailability?

Bioavailability is the measure of how much the substance is able to access your body’s circulatory system in order to reach the target area. The level of bioavailability of a supplement depends partially on absorption, or how much we get the substance, as well as secretion, or how much we get out. 

For example, when you eat food, the food is carried to your digestive system where the useful nutrients are absorbed into your bloodstream and then either stored or used by your cells. Since your body is not a perfect machine, however, not all of these nutrients will be absorbed. Some, for instance, will be destroyed in your stomach and intestines while others may be excreted back. Unfortunately, carbs and fats tend to have a high level of bioavailability while the nutrients found in many supplements do not.

How is Bioavailability Increased?

There are a number of different ways to increase bioavailability. The first is to administer the substance directly into your bloodstream, such as through a drip. When ingested in pill form, medications and supplements may not be absorbed because your stomach acids may destroy them before the beneficial substances reach the bloodstream. Or you may have a gut disorder that affects how well your body absorbs nutrients. 

Fortunately, supplements can be made to be more bioavailable through improved formulation, improved delivery methods (such as being provided in capsule form rather than tablet form) and composition of the supplement (such as pairing certain nutrients together in order to improve absorption). When you purchase supplements from Prolean Wellness, you can rest assured that all have been formulated to offer the highest degree of bioavailability possible.

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