Body Composition

idxaProlean Wellness offers the Hologics DEXA, a highly sophisticated instrument that “sees” through your body and measures three key components of your body structure (bone mass, lean tissue mass and fatty tissue mass).




Prolean Wellness offers the Hologics DEXA, a highly sophisticated instrument that “sees” through your body and measures three key components of your body structure (bone mass, lean tissue mass and fatty tissue mass). It will also give an invaluable assessment of your skeletal health. Hologics DEXA technology is used extensively by the U.S. Olympic Training Staff and on NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” program.


Prolean Wellness


Standard body weight scales provide a measure of total weight, but don’t determine the lean-to-fat ratio of that weight. Standing on most scales can tell you only if you weigh more than the average person, but not if that weight is fat or muscle. Based only on scale weight, a 250 pound athlete with 8% body fat may be considered “overweight” by a typical weight chart. Such charts are not a good indications of ideal body weight for general health or for athletic performance.


iDXA Scan used by Super Bowl XLV Champions, the Green Bay Packers..


iDXA Packers | Prolean Wellness


Here are some of the amazing body composition tracking features Prolean Wellness can offer you with the iDXA:

  • The most accurate body composition analysis on the market at a very reasonable price.
  • The tool to create your best workout for a lean body.
  • The ability to tailor protein intake to maintain and build lean muscle tissue.
  • Three point assessment – bone, fat and lean tissue.
  • Comprehensive view of body wellness in a single exam.
  • “See” where you need to focus your workouts to achieve the best results.


Read about The Evolution of Body Composition Analysis


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