
Mindless eating is a major culprit in the obesity epidemic in the United States.toy teeth eating food Picture this: If you are tired, bored, stressed, anxious, mad, lazy, sad or even happy, you probably reach for the bag of potato chips that has been calling your name all afternoon. You decide to eat it while watching TV and before you know it, you’ve eaten a whole bag of Cheetos! Cheetos Sound familiar? You are not alone! Many people emotionally (over)eat (triggered by hormones) and don’t actually listen to their physical cues for hunger, such as needing fuel to begin your day, energy to have a productive day at work, and nutrients to power through your workout.
There’s a lot more to weight loss than a “calories in/calories out” mentality. Many people feel like trying to lose weight is resigning themselves to a lifestyle of misery, at least for 90 days or however long they think they need. The truth is that there are plenty of healthy ways to lose weight without starving yourself or even going hungry! If you go about it correctly, weight loss and maintenance will soon become part of your daily routine.girl in a swing
I recently worked as an intern in an office that was part of a large-scale corporation. At the end of my internship, corporate HR came around to our branch and gave out free health assessments to all of the employees on their insurance plan. After talking with the nurses, the head honchos determined that one of their greatest liabilities was—you guessed it—employee obesity.overweight legs

  Our last little chick took flight last month, making Jeff and I empty nesters.  Our son is off for two years to serve a mission for our church.  We went...