Prolean Wellness

Some things you’re born with. Like freckles, bushy eyebrows, or webbed feet! Just kidding, hopefully you weren’t born with webbed feet. Anyhow, one thing you’re not born with is a fat gene.
Okay, my title might be slightly misleading. Eating an extra bag of Cheetos definitely will not help you lose five pounds. However, I really can’t stress how important it is to properly fuel your body! It’s the key to sustainable weight loss because guess what? You shouldn’t be starving yourself.
When it comes to getting healthy, one of the most common (and frankly LAMEST) excuses that we get is, “I just don’t have time!” Apparently most people believe that in order to drop a few pounds and get in shape, you have to dedicate hours and dollars to the gym and a personal trainer. Let me clarify that misconception real quick: YOU DON’T. Of course exercise is key, but what you put into your body is more important than how you burn it off, especially when you’re first starting a fitness routine.
When you look at a flight of stairs, do you feel a lumpy dread hit your stomach? Do you pull out every piece of clothing you own each morning, just looking for something that fits and doesn’t make you feel chunky? Does your morning routine include handfuls of pills that only mask symptoms that plague you every day? Finally, does your doctor look over your charts with worry and plead with you to make changes?
Maybe you didn’t know this (or maybe you did), but at Prolean Wellness, our team of health fanatics, doctors, and nutritionists work with some of the best chemists around to produce awesome supplements! A lot of research goes into these things. We analyze our clients, look at common issues that several of them deal with, and then figure out what natural solutions we can offer.hands with a clipboard Many of our clients know about GlucoFactors, which we developed to help lower blood sugar levels. While they're great supplements, we’ve made some improvements and now proudly unveil GlucoFactors’ more attractive and impressive older brother: GlucoControl. Let me clarify. GlucoControl is not just for diabetics or people with high blood sugar levels! If you’re someone who likes the occasional carb-y/sugary meal, if you want to manage your weight, or if you even just want to keep your body running at its best, consider GlucoControl as the answer.