Prolean Wellness

Have you ever been told that in order to lose weight or get healthy, you need to eat low-fat foods, count calories, eat less, or exercise more? Have those tactics proved to be time-consuming, tiresome, and ineffective? Every day at Prolean Wellness, we meet with clients who have unsuccessfully tried these methods. They dedicate hours to the gym and practically starve themselves, but then grow discouraged and ultimately relapse into destructive behavior like binge eating. Can you relate? It’s a vicious cycle, but here’s the good news: you’re not the one to blame!
Here's a guest post by our amazing nutritionist, Meghan Doherty! 14 Tips to Skip Holiday Weight Gain What causes the dreadful 5-10 pounds that most American adults gain from October to January each and every year? The factors come down to the time of year when the sun goes down earlier, more social gatherings (which means more foods or sweet treats that are out of the norm), emotional eating (comfort foods when it is cold), increased stress and less energy, more eating out than average (especially at malls or parties), broken routines, and too many “cheat” or “allowance” meals. Here's how you can avoid gaining weight and losing your progress:
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told people about what we do at Prolean Wellness and they say, “Oh my gosh, my dad needs that ASAP,” or “Wow, my cousin in Oklahoma would love this!” I know! Everyone needs this thing! Here at Prolean Wellness, we are Problem Solvers. We let nothing stand in the way of greatness for our clients! Not even distance! Your Guide to Prolean Synergy This is why we created *dramatic pause* Synergy.
We’ve all been there. A neighbor, sister-in-law, or friend decides to go running for a few weeks and magically drops 15 pounds. A co-worker stops drinking soda and suddenly loses his giant gut. Your spouse lays off refined sugar and slims down, no problem. Other people’s success can be really frustrating—especially when nothing works for you! 8 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight (And Why It's Not Your Fault!) You’ve probably tried the diets, the gyms, the supplements and all that other stuff that’s supposed to make you look great, but really ends up frustrating you. Here’s why nothing has worked so far:
Maybe you stumbled across this blog accidentally or maybe you got here from the Prolean page of the website! Whatever your journey has been, congrats on arriving! This blog is the place to go for answers about Prolean Wellness, a health clinic based in Scottsdale, Arizona, and our mission. We want to empower people to take control of their weight and of their lives! We will give you in-depth knowledge about how your body works and how you (specifically you) need to eat, exercise, and handle any other issues to finally get healthy. poster_2e53056d855946a5b1aca858006ad4d2_70769537_ver1.0_640_480