Stuffed Bell Peppers
Ingredients 3 egg whites 1 whole egg 1 green bell pepper (halved) Directions Cut bell pepper in half. Place on skillet. Put 9 tbsp of egg whites into bell pepper. Put one whole egg on top of the...
Ingredients 3 egg whites 1 whole egg 1 green bell pepper (halved) Directions Cut bell pepper in half. Place on skillet. Put 9 tbsp of egg whites into bell pepper. Put one whole egg on top of the...
Makes 1 cup | 1 serving = 1 tbsp Ingredients 1 cup raw macadamia butter 1 tsp natural butter oil flavoring ¼ tsp almond extract 1-2 droppers of Vanilla Bean Liquid Stevia 3 tbsp. Treleafia (powdered...
Ingredients 5 lbs beef back or neck bones (or chicken carcasses or lamb bones) ¼ cup apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice 2 medium onions cut into quarters (or 2 leeks, coarsely chopped) 2 cups parsley 4 medium celery stalk ends coarsely chopped 2-3 bay leaves 1 Tbsp. black peppercorn Cold water Directions Place...
Ingredients SUGAR-FREE BERRY JELLO 2 x 0.35 g sugar-free Jello, raspberry and strawberry 1 cup water boiling 1 cup water cold CREAMY VANILLA JELLO 2 tbsp gelatin powder 2 tbsp. Stevia 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup water boiling 1 cup heavy cream Directions BERRY JELLO Open the sachets of Jello and pour the contents into a heatproof jug. Add the cup of...
Ingredients 1 head of broccoli (2-3 cups) Juice from 1 lemon Generous sprinkle of sea salt Directions Remove broccoli stems and separate into similar-sized florets. Spread out on a foil-lined baking sheet. Squeeze lemon juice over broccoli and...
Ingredients 5 cups cauliflower chopped 1 tbsp Butter, grass-fed or ghee (PHASE 2) 5 cloves garlic minced 2 tsp rosemary 3 tbsp Parmesan (PHASE 2, optional) 1/2 tsp pepper salt (to taste) GRAVY 2 cups veggie stock, homemade, low sodium 1/2 cup coconut milk, unsweetened 1 tbsp. MCT oil 1 tsp pepper 1/2 tsp xantham gum Directions Chop up 5 cups of raw cauliflower. Bring pot of water to a...