
Semaglutide and Tirzepatide can mean rapid weight loss, but is it safe? Our Mission Prolean Wellness has always been driven to help our clients achieve SAFE, but rapid weight loss. We customize...

Tips to Skip Weight Gain During the Holidays:     What causes the dreadful 5-10 lbs that most American adults gain from October-January each and every year? The factors come down to the time...

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain with these simple tips:   1. Be active with friends and family. Go out shopping (instead of shopping online) and park far away from the mall. 2....

                                  Try this fitness challenge created by Meghan Doherty, our Prolean Wellness Nutritionist Click here for 30 day challenge calendar   Do you feel stuck in your workout routines?  Challenge yourself and watch...

by Meghan Doherty Nutritionist, Certified Fitness Instructor   After one year of holding the nutritionist position at Prolean Wellness, and years of experience in the health, nutrition, and fitness field, my passion for...

10 Tips for Portion Control: The importance of portion control is about as important as the type of diet you are on. Of course you can easily follow a nutrition plan...