Phase You by Prolean Wellness

Before you unwind, hit the pause button and get off your behind! Prolean Wellness’nutritionist, Meghan Doherty, gives her five best tips on getting off the couch and on to an active...

[caption id="attachment_1746" align="alignleft" width="150"] by Melenie Dunn, NMD[/caption] You hear about it on commercials and in magazine ads for new medications and supplements. Cortisol … belly fat… the latest big, bad...

                                  Try this fitness challenge created by Meghan Doherty, our Prolean Wellness Nutritionist Click here for 30 day challenge calendar   Do you feel stuck in your workout routines?  Challenge yourself and watch...

by Melenie Dunn, NMD   It’s summer! And the living is easy… or so the song goes. The truth is many of us deal with some degree of depression. The medical community...

  by Celeste Dana owner at Prolean Wellness Have you been told before that you need to shed 3500 calories from your diet for each pound you’d like to lose?  If so, you’re...