Grapefruity Pops

Grapefruity Pops

Grapefruity Popsicles:


  • Juice of 1 large White Grapefruit
  • Juice of 1 lime (optional)
  • 2 ruby red Grapefruits, in navels
  • 1/3 cup powdered stevia
  • 1 dropper Stevia, plain flavor (optional)
  • 1 Cup Water
  • 5 fresh basil leaves


  1. Make the basil simple syrup by combining 1/3 cup powdered stevia, 1 dropper liquid stevia (not essential) and 1 cup water in a small sauce pan and warm it over a medium-high heat–this makes 1 1/4 cup. Bring it to a simmer so that the stevia is fully dissolved. Remove it from the burner and stir in the 5 fresh basil leaves. Fresh basil should be added at the end of the cooking process. Prolonged exposure to heat will cause the herb’s volatile oils to dissipate.
  2. Once the simple syrup has cooled to room temperature, strain out the basil leaves and transfer it to the refrigerator to cool.
  3. Juice one large white grapefruit (about 1 cup) and 1 lime. You may leave the pulp in if you wish.
  4. Cut the red ruby grapefruit as if you were slicing a pie then Chop the ruby red grapefruit slices into very small chunks. (Or you can peel and slice the navels in half, but the popsicles won’t be as flavorful because the juice will not be exposed).

  5. Combine the 1 white grapefruit juice, and the 1 1/4 cup basil simple syrup and into a bowl and mix well.

  6. Divide the grapefruit juice/syrup mixture amongst the popsicle molds and then add in the chunks of ruby red grapefruit to each mold.

  7. Add the popsicle sticks to the molds.

  8. Freeze for at least 7 hours or overnight for best results. You want the popsicles to be rock-hard!
    -Makes 10 popsicles (molds were made using Target’s brand)
    -Suitable for Phase 1 that are allowed to eat fruit
    -1 serving=1 popsicle (1 fruit)

  • Kimberly Carty-Ferry
    Posted at 15:32h, 30 April

    Is Grapefruit okay in Phase 1?

    • Celeste Dana
      Posted at 15:14h, 08 June

      If the doctor has not limited your fruit intake, 1/2 a grapefruit is allowed in Phase 1. It should be listed on your food list. Have a great day!