Roasted Cauliflower

Roasted Cauliflower

I don’t know about you, but growing up we always had a big Sunday dinner after church.  Our meal usually consisted of some sort of beef (I grew up on a cattle ranch – that was the cheapest way to feed a family of 15), potatoes, corn and salad.

You can see why a meal like this would be a bit tough to replicate for a family that now tries to use foods that are lower on the glycemic index.

I’ve found the solution … at least part of the solution!  Roasted cauliflower is my potato substitute.  Our family LOVES this and now has a great Sunday dinner after church.  We’re working at keeping the traditions alive!

Start with a full head of cauliflower.  Trim it and wash it and break or cut it into small pieces and place on a sheet pan (I use a light spray of Pam on the pan to keep it from sticking).  Season the cauliflower.  I use garlic and onion powder, but feel free to experiment and see what you like.

roasted cauliflower

Roast the cauliflower in the oven. I use my convection oven at 400 degrees for about 40 minutes – until the cauliflower starts to turn a little bit brown.  You can cook it longer or shorter according to your taste.  A regular oven would work as well.  It might take a little bit longer, or you may need to set it a little higher.

After it’s done, I put the roasted cauliflower in my kitchen aid with the whisk.  You can use any stand beater or hand held electric beater.

roaster cauliflower 2


Whisk to break up the pieces.  If you’ve kept a lot of the stem, they may not break up as small, but they still taste good – and I hate to waste that tasty part (remember – I grew up in a big family – we used the good parts).

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Voila! You’ve now got a low glycemic alternative to your potatoes for your Sunday (or any other day) dinner.

This was my plate yesterday.

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London broil, cole slaw, and roasted cauliflower.  Phase 1 approved, low carb, low glycemic, and yet yummy and extremely satisfying!


1 large head of cauliflower

garlic powder

onion powder

Break up cauliflower into small pieces and spread onto a baking sheet.  Bake at 400 degrees for app. 40 minutes.  Whisk with electric mixer to break up roasted pieces. Serve

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