13 Oct Trick-or-Treat Your Body Right
It’s coming. The leaves change colors, the weather chills down, and each Walmart on the corner is stocked to the rafters with masks, capes, glitter hairspray, and fake warts. And what else? CANDY. CHOCOLATE. Those delicious little candy corns that we only see this time of year…they’re all on their way!
Unfortunately, this is also the time of year when people kick their diets and good habits to the curb! They pack on the pounds as winter warmth, and then regret it all come January! But we here at Prolean Wellness are coming to the rescue! Here are some tips to avoid the nastiest of all scares…those skinny jeans after Halloween season!
–Arrive to parties with a full belly. Don’t get to a party ready to stuff! Eat a little something HEALTHY (an apple, protein, leafy greens) to fill up the tank and avoid following the crowd and overeating.
No! Deadly to your diet!!!
–Distract yourself. Don’t set out the M&Ms on the counter and mindlessly chow down. Spend your time making creative costumes, party planning, taking a walk and enjoying the fresh air, and stay away from those candy corn blighters. They are the downfall of many.
–Pace yourself too! Remember, Halloween is just the beginning! October, November, December…the “-embers” are a slippery slope. Help yourself stay on track starting now, and it will save you for the season!
–Be honest. You really did have 9 of the Bite-Size Snickers. Look at the nutrition facts on back, and don’t let anyone, including yourself, convince you that it’s ok to cheat! Remember all of the hard work you’ve put in, and remember the cost of each of those Reese’s Cups!
We hope that this helps you navigate the treacherous times of parties, pumpkins, and pigging out! Halloween is the spookiest holiday. Here’s to thighs that don’t jiggle as you run screaming out of the haunted house.
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