Want to Lose Weight? Ask Yourself “Why?” Before Beginning the Journey

Want to Lose Weight? Ask Yourself Why? Before Beginning the Journey

Want to Lose Weight? Ask Yourself “Why?” Before Beginning the Journey

Are you trying to lose weight? If so, you are not alone. Yet, while you may not be alone in your weight loss journey, your reasons for wanting to lose weight are very unique to you. By setting down and really considering why you want to lose weight and determining your individual goals, you will be better prepared to begin your weight loss journey while also being more likely to reach the goals that you have established.

Why Do You Want To Lose the Weight?

The reason for wanting to lose weight can be quite varied from one person to the next. For example, you may have a history of heart problems in your family and so you want to try to avoid these same problems by staying at your proper weight and eating a healthier diet. Or, you may be planning to get married next year and you want to look your best for your wedding. Perhaps you have career goals, such as wanting to join the military, that require you to be at a certain weight or level of fitness. Whatever your reasoning may be, it is important for you to sit down and reflect honestly upon why you want to lose the weight.

Creating Goals for Yourself

After determining why you want to lose weight, you are better prepared to set goals for yourself. Remember, as you travel through your weight loss journey, you should set both short- and long-term goals for yourself. These goals will be based around the reason for wanting to lose weight. After all, if you are trying to fit into that wedding dress, your weight loss goals ay be different from someone who is training to run a marathon. 

Finding Your Motivation

Determining why you want to lose weight will also help you find the proper motivation to reach those goals. For the bride, looking at that dress and dreaming of the wedding may be the proper motivation. For the person trying to run a marathon, the motivation may be to qualify for certain races by certain dates. For the person with a family history of heart problems, reflecting on the battles that your family members have faced may be the motivation that you need to keep working toward your goals.

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