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It’s all about YOU!
Prolean Wellness is the place to go for the weight loss answers you seek! We recognize that you’re unique, and we don’t subscribe to the contrary ideology that consumes today’s weight loss industry. We know that one size does not fit all!
Finding out why you are overweight is the first step to providing your answers. Many factors determine why bodies store fat instead of burn it: metabolism, nutrition, and biological composition, to name a few. We seek to discover and remove all barriers to your success, which is why we invest in the latest technology to develop individual solutions.
What to Expect
Before you come in for your consultation at Prolean Wellness, you fill fill out a questionnaire so that we have a good idea of your health, habits, and expectations. We perform an iDXA body composition scan so that our team will be able to customize a program based on your body. If you decide to move forward with a program, we will order blood tests so that our team can further diagnose your specific needs and barriers. This scan and tests are crucial in understanding how your body optimally performs. We will put together a program developed to help your body perform to it’s highest potential. We promise to explain our methods every step of the way to ensure that you will reach your goals, and that you’ll have the knowledge and skills to keep progressing. No program is worth your time if you can’t sustain the results for a lifetime.
Finally, the journey to health is incredibly personal and filled with important self-discovery. If you have unanswered questions concerning your weight loss, you will likely fail again and again. We want you to succeed. We want you to make changes in your life that keep you healthy—just like we did.