What to Do When the Gym Doesn’t Work

What to Do When the Gym Doesn’t Work

What to Do When the Gym Doesn’t Work

January is the happiest time of the year for gyms.

People are feeling a little disgusted with themselves from holiday overeating, they’re returning back from holidays, and they’re determined to get back into shape and keep those new year’s resolutions. The treadmills keep a steady buzz all day and the weight rooms are crowded! 

Over the past ten years, however, we’ve found that many people wander into our office around February feeling discouraged and unhappy with their gyms. They’ve bought expensive memberships, sometimes even investing in personal training and diet consulting, and have gone faithfully—yet they haven’t seen any results! The needle on the scale stays constant, and their holiday pants are still tight. This situation is more common than you’d think, and it’s because health isn’t something you can get just from a gym. It takes a holistic approach, one that we happily offer at Prolean Wellness.

Our team does what gyms don’t. We invest in you.

We make your personal body chemistry, hormones, composition, and needs our top priority to find what you—specifically you—need to reach optimal health. We insist that you work closely with a dedicated doctor as well as a highly trained nutritionist, because your weight is often tied to medical conditions and should be cared for properly. 

Most importantly, we focus on education.

Health is more than weight routines and endurance training. It’s teaching your mind how to think about food differently, learning how to incorporate healthy alternatives into your daily routine, and allowing yourself to break free of your prior ideas that never really worked for you. Health needs to be a sustainable, long-term endeavor that keeps you fit for life, right?

This year, do yourself a favor.

Before your buy the gym membership, or before you start the terrible crash diet that does more harm than good, set up a consultation with the professionals at Prolean Wellness. Let our experts assess your body’s needs and develop a plan of action with you. You’ll be astounded at the difference that true personalization and the support of a team can make!

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